Friday, July 12, 2024

Opening a New Chapter

 Hi y'all!! I know, it's been a year since my last blog post!  I started a new position this past year and with it being new, it took a while to adjust and there was way more planning involved.  Something had to give, and it was my blog.  Sadly, I haven't written anything in way over a year even though I have one book written but no illustrations and a novel half written.  There's simply not enough time to do everything I want and unfortunately, I have a full-time job that doesn't always end when the work hours are up. 

I create many of my own classroom activities and have since I started, so I finally decided to open up my own store on a well-known teacher platform called Teachers Pay Teachers.  Will I have some success?  Time will tell.  I have games, worksheets and activities on there right now geared for the ages of 4-7.  I plan to add more on there this summer as well as throughout the year.  If you are an early elementary teacher, have young kiddos, or know someone who is/does, please check out and share my page.  Many thanks!  

Activities by Becka

My wonderful author friend, Romance Writer, Catherine Michaels, has a new romance novel coming out next week!  I was lucky enough to get an advanced reader copy and it is the perfect summer romance read!  Check out her interview on Author Rosie Russell's blog last month. 

Interview with Catherine Michaels

Also, you can visit her page and sign up to become an insider. You'll receive monthly exclusive content, updates, and a free prequel novelette, Before Sand and Sea, to explore Kate and Luke's lives in the weeks before their paths collide on Gull Island.

Hope everyone is doing well!! Thank you for all your encouragement over the years.  I won't be doing a monthly blog anymore, but I will try to create one from time to time. Have a wonderful summer!

Before I go make sure to check out these other fantastic blogs:

Rosie Russell Sparkling Booknish News and More 

Sandra Bennett A Writer's Pilgrimage

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Jump Right On In

July? July already, how can that be? Where did June go? It seems like I've only been on break for a couple of weeks, not a month. I'd like to say I've gotten a lot accomplished this summer, unless you consider procrastination to be an accomplishment, then I've excelled. 

I've been in a funk lately professionally and it's got me feeling down. This has definitely played a role in my creativity this break. I keep telling myself, it's just a chapter and the next one will be better. Here's to hoping. 🍻

Let's talk about creativity. Creativity is in everything we see and do. Do you like to read, watch tv, see plays, listen to music, create or look at art? What about driving, shopping or vacationing? Every one of those things involved creativity in order for it to become a reality in one way or another.

Now, let's talk about art specifically. Do you have a favorite artist?
Some of mine are: 

Charles Urbach CharlesUrbachArt - Etsy

Bob Ross About Bob Ross

What draws you to your favorite? For me, when a piece of art catches my eye it's due to the talent of the artist. I am amazed on how they can create such realistic pieces with so much detail. The feeling the piece invokes is important as well. 
I love the places Terry Redlin, Bob Ross and Kim Norlien paint. Their skills are amazing but it's the fact they paint places I want to visit. Their paintings make me wish I could just jump on in and explore.  

I paint for this very reason. I love painting landscapes that make the user want to jump right on in and stay a while. Here are a few pieces I've painted this  summer. 

I'm currently working on a sea turtle painting. I'll post it when I finish on my 
Facebook author page if you're interested in seeing how it turns out. 

Let me know in the comments section, what do you look for in a piece of artwork? Happy Summer! 

Check out these wonderful #gr8blogs 
before you go. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Summertime Bliss

June 1st marks the first day of meteorological it is officially summer in my book. Whew! Didn't think I was going to make it this year. This school year had numerous ups and downs with some unexpected big changes. Not sure what the coming school year will hold for me. 

How do you find your summertime bliss?  I have some ideas I want to do to do to make the most of my warm breezy summer break. Join me on my summertime wishlist, then be sure to visit the #Gr8tblogs at the end of this post for more inspiration and smiles. 


Summer is when I tend to read the most and this summer, I already have a list started.

Sapphire Waves by Kristy McCaffrey 
A second-chance romance in the gorgeous blue waters of the Bahamas.

Softly Creeping by Terri Reid
Creatures, Hauntings, Legends, Myths, Phenomenon.
All things that make us think, make us wonder, and sometimes makes our hair stand on end.
Visit the realm of the unknown, where mysterious creatures lurk in the shadows. A place where myths and legends abound. Take in the stories and ponder their meaning. Read about unexplained phenomenon, and wonder.

A Small Town Second Chance by Melinda Curtis
A heartwarming, small town romance about the courage to let go and risk loving again. 

Time for Justice by Susan C Muller

Attorney Tom Meyers and his investigator, Fiona Drake, are good at digging up the truth.

Now they’re entangled in two long forgotten cases that will test them at every turn and make them wonder if some secrets aren’t meant to stay buried.

Black Hollow Hideaway by J.R Erickson
A stand-alone paranormal mystery inspired by a chilling true story.


I currently stocked up on canvases and can't wait to get my easel, paints and brushes out. I already have a landscape painting in mind! 🌄

Right now, though, I am working on a WV themed t-shirt design for a local contest. Wish me luck! 

I also hope to work on some new resin art. Since you have to use a well-ventilated space with temps in the upper 60's-70's range, summer is the only time I get to work with this medium.  I've made some beautiful resin river coasters in the past, I think this year, I am going to give jewelry making a try. 

Do you like to create? Paint? Crafts?  I encourage you to check out Bob Ross tutorials if you are interested in learning landscape art. I've learned a lot from him. 

Have kiddos at home? Here is a quick, fun, color mixing experiment my young students always enjoy. 

You will need: 3 little plastic cups filled about halfway with water, food coloring, 3 spoons, and gloves if you don't want to risk getting food coloring on your hands.

Do this with each color individually:

Start with the 3 primary colors, redyellowblue.
Place a couple drops of food coloring in the cup and stir to watch the color form.
Once you have all three colors formed, have your little one predict what will happen if you mix the colors?
Add drops of food coloring to form the secondary colors:

Red with yellow to form orange,

blue with red to form purple, and

yellow with blue to form green.

If you give it a try, I would love to hear how it went and feel free to post pictures. If this inspires them to want to color, here is one my illustrations from World of Color that they can color all their own.  

My book World of Color , available at Amazontalks about the importance of color and how they are formed if you would like to expand this activity. 

Another fun activity, Grow a Rainbow, can be found here: 
There are a few different ways to do this activity. Check it out on Pinterest. 


I have dreams of going on a luxury vacation with warm sandy beaches, turquoise waters and coconut drinks but that's all it will be.... a dream. Haha!
My computer keeps telling me it's ready to retire, as does my Kindle and my refrigerator! Yikes!! So, I'll have to stick with a staycation this year. 

Image found here.

Over the years, summer is when I have been able to turn off my teacher brain and turn on my author brain, however with my computer on the fritz, which is also my drawing tablet, this year I'm afraid I won't be getting much of that done.  I'm looking at replacements but not sure what to go with this time around. I love my Surface Pro but the price is a little too high for me right now. i can't have an ipad.  At my school, all of our students have them and guess who gets to deal with all the tech issues? You guessed it, me!  So, I loathe them! Hahaha!! No offense to those who love    them. Wish there was a store I could try different models out but nothing like that around here. My online research continues. 

Thanks for stopping by! How are you currently jumping into summer? Any big plans? Please share in the comments section. 

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Finding Magic

Welcome to March! How's your weather been in your neck of the woods?  Are you wanting spring to arrive early or are you like me, wanting some winter weather to hit first? Haha! I know that sounds crazy but here in WV, we have been in a snow drought this winter. We've gotten a few little snows here and there but nothing like we are used to. I've been seeing all the storms hitting out west and I'm jealous. I am a snow lover. I know the headaches a huge storm can cause, and I bet anyone reading this from those states is yelling at my post right now. Sorry! If you have been slammed with those huge storms over and over, I keep telling Mother Nature she can send a foot our way in March and give you guys a break. 

One of my favorite things about March is Dr. Seuss' birthday. Every week during this time, we have Spirit Week to celebrate. It's fun to see all the kids dressed up as their favorite Dr. Seuss characters. I love sharing books with my students and Dr. Seuss has some fun ones. Do you have a favorite?  Mine is "I Can Read with My Eyes Shut". My favorite thing about his books are the messages they have in them. Sure, they are silly books with lots of crazy things that don't make a whole lot of sense but through all that you will find the message in them. In "I Can Read with My Eyes Shut", my favorite line is
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go."  
That's a message I love sharing with my students. Another one of my favorites is... 
Image found on I do not own the rights to it. 

I literally could fill this blog post with fifty inspirational book quote images, but I won't. Haha!  If you're interested, check out a Dr. Seuss book, look up read-aloud's on Youtube or do your own Dr. Seuss quotes image search. Even if you are not a fan of the author and illustrator, Theodor Seuss Geisel, remember some of his advice, 
"You can find magic wherever you look, sit back and relax, all you need is book."  
So, go ahead and look around, you never know when your next favorite book may be found.

Find a comfy chair, a warm fuzzy blanket and something warm to drink and pick up a book. Maybe choose one by a favorite authors of yours or try someone new. I have recently discovered books by author J.R Erickson. If you enjoy paranormal mysteries, give her a try, I have been reading a lot this year, it's been my way to unwind from a very stressful school year full of ups. downs and construction going on in my workplace. Definitely not a fun time. J.R Erickson has captivated my attention so much, I'm on my fifth book of hers. I've also discovered a new romance author, Dr. Rebecca Sharp.  Her book had good and bad. Not sure if I will read another by her. After I finish my current read, I am going to take a break from reading and work on some artwork instead. What about you, have you come across any new authors you love? Any book you recommend?

Children's books also make great reads....hehehe. You can discover my books on my website, and be sure to check out the other fantastic #gr8tblog authors, for your next read. 

Sandra Bennett