Thursday, March 2, 2023

Finding Magic

Welcome to March! How's your weather been in your neck of the woods?  Are you wanting spring to arrive early or are you like me, wanting some winter weather to hit first? Haha! I know that sounds crazy but here in WV, we have been in a snow drought this winter. We've gotten a few little snows here and there but nothing like we are used to. I've been seeing all the storms hitting out west and I'm jealous. I am a snow lover. I know the headaches a huge storm can cause, and I bet anyone reading this from those states is yelling at my post right now. Sorry! If you have been slammed with those huge storms over and over, I keep telling Mother Nature she can send a foot our way in March and give you guys a break. 

One of my favorite things about March is Dr. Seuss' birthday. Every week during this time, we have Spirit Week to celebrate. It's fun to see all the kids dressed up as their favorite Dr. Seuss characters. I love sharing books with my students and Dr. Seuss has some fun ones. Do you have a favorite?  Mine is "I Can Read with My Eyes Shut". My favorite thing about his books are the messages they have in them. Sure, they are silly books with lots of crazy things that don't make a whole lot of sense but through all that you will find the message in them. In "I Can Read with My Eyes Shut", my favorite line is
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go."  
That's a message I love sharing with my students. Another one of my favorites is... 
Image found on I do not own the rights to it. 

I literally could fill this blog post with fifty inspirational book quote images, but I won't. Haha!  If you're interested, check out a Dr. Seuss book, look up read-aloud's on Youtube or do your own Dr. Seuss quotes image search. Even if you are not a fan of the author and illustrator, Theodor Seuss Geisel, remember some of his advice, 
"You can find magic wherever you look, sit back and relax, all you need is book."  
So, go ahead and look around, you never know when your next favorite book may be found.

Find a comfy chair, a warm fuzzy blanket and something warm to drink and pick up a book. Maybe choose one by a favorite authors of yours or try someone new. I have recently discovered books by author J.R Erickson. If you enjoy paranormal mysteries, give her a try, I have been reading a lot this year, it's been my way to unwind from a very stressful school year full of ups. downs and construction going on in my workplace. Definitely not a fun time. J.R Erickson has captivated my attention so much, I'm on my fifth book of hers. I've also discovered a new romance author, Dr. Rebecca Sharp.  Her book had good and bad. Not sure if I will read another by her. After I finish my current read, I am going to take a break from reading and work on some artwork instead. What about you, have you come across any new authors you love? Any book you recommend?

Children's books also make great reads....hehehe. You can discover my books on my website, and be sure to check out the other fantastic #gr8tblog authors, for your next read. 

Sandra Bennett