Thursday, July 6, 2023

Jump Right On In

July? July already, how can that be? Where did June go? It seems like I've only been on break for a couple of weeks, not a month. I'd like to say I've gotten a lot accomplished this summer, unless you consider procrastination to be an accomplishment, then I've excelled. 

I've been in a funk lately professionally and it's got me feeling down. This has definitely played a role in my creativity this break. I keep telling myself, it's just a chapter and the next one will be better. Here's to hoping. 🍻

Let's talk about creativity. Creativity is in everything we see and do. Do you like to read, watch tv, see plays, listen to music, create or look at art? What about driving, shopping or vacationing? Every one of those things involved creativity in order for it to become a reality in one way or another.

Now, let's talk about art specifically. Do you have a favorite artist?
Some of mine are: 

Charles Urbach CharlesUrbachArt - Etsy

Bob Ross About Bob Ross

What draws you to your favorite? For me, when a piece of art catches my eye it's due to the talent of the artist. I am amazed on how they can create such realistic pieces with so much detail. The feeling the piece invokes is important as well. 
I love the places Terry Redlin, Bob Ross and Kim Norlien paint. Their skills are amazing but it's the fact they paint places I want to visit. Their paintings make me wish I could just jump on in and explore.  

I paint for this very reason. I love painting landscapes that make the user want to jump right on in and stay a while. Here are a few pieces I've painted this  summer. 

I'm currently working on a sea turtle painting. I'll post it when I finish on my 
Facebook author page if you're interested in seeing how it turns out. 

Let me know in the comments section, what do you look for in a piece of artwork? Happy Summer! 

Check out these wonderful #gr8blogs 
before you go.