Sunday, September 13, 2015

Happy Grandparents Day

                     Happy Grandparents Day 💛

    I was very close to my grandma and grandpa but both have now gone to Heaven. I will never forget them or how special they were to me. Today is the day to show your grandparents just how special they are to you. Tell them you love them, create a card, take them to a special place. It really doesn't matter, all that matters is that you spend some time with them to show them you care.

    This past school year, I was lucky enough to work with the McQuade family on a school project. Mary McQuade is the founder of Grandparents day and is from my hometown. My students had a great experience. Some of their cards were chosen and turned into real cards by the McQuade family. They are selling them around our town and are hoping to expand soon. The proceeds go to our school. It has been an amazing project to be a part of.
    Enjoy the day :)