Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Chapters. New Chances

 As we ring in the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, many people take the time to reflect on the previous year. Their ups, downs and in-betweens.  I do this to a point, but I try to only concentrate on the good and not so much on the bad. As I was beginning to write this blog, I noticed I only wrote two blog posts last year. It wasn't only because I didn't have much time to spend on it, but because I didn't want to make the time. Over the years, I have backed off of social media more and more. Work keeps me super busy and stressed. When I come home, I have responsibilities there as well. It's hard to juggle it all but to try to add in all the social media stuff was the easiest to back off on, so that's what I did. It wasn't something I thought out, it just happened that way.  I hope to one day be able to concentrate on more books and more of a social media presence, just not sure when that will actually be. When I retire?  Eeek, I hope not, that's too long down the road. Hopefully in the near future, work will become less stressful, and my creativity will take over more and more. Thank you to all of you who have supported me over the years, and I hope you continue on this journey with me even as it slows down a bit. 

We never know what a new year will bring. It's twelve new chapters with 365 new chances, as the quote says.  Here's to the new year bringing in wonderful new adventures, lots of good luck and fun and happiness to us all. 

Picture found on image search. I do not own the rights to the image.

I will try to write more than two blog posts this year.  Before I go, I want to leave you with one last piece of wisdom I plan on implementing this year and maybe you will as well. 

Thanks for reading! Now check out all these wonderful blog posts from some amazing authors. 

Sandra Bennett