Un-Ordinary Summer
It's been a while since my last blog post but this summer was definitely not in the norm. I self-published in May which was a proud moment for me, finished out the school year and summer vacation began. I began it with a much needed vacation and I even let my wonderful hubby tag along. We we got back, the very next week my state of WV experienced a devastating flood that hit several towns very hard, including mine. There was a tremendous amount of generosity found with the all the donations, help, and volunteers that we had and came from all over the United States. It is going to be a very long recovery with big changes ahead. The new school year is about to begin and will be chaotic to say the least since we lost three of our county schools due to the damage the flood inflicted. We will stay strong and come back with as much good as we can make out of this situation.
On top of everything I have been working on a new book idea! I've been wanting to take my love of the ocean and turn it into a book one day, just wasn't sure how I wanted to approach. I think I have figured it out :) Now I need to get my tablet computer working again, it seems to want to act as crazy as the events of summer have been.
Enjoy the rest of summer!