Thursday, July 2, 2020

Where is a Timey Wimey Machine When You Need It!?

How can it be JULY already? I know there are some who may not agree with me, especially during this crazy year, but I really can't believe how fast summer is going by! I am not ready for it to be over so quick. I need to learn how to time travel, freeze time or at least slow it down. I have so much I want to do but haven't gotten a lot accomplished.....eeek!  

So what have I been up to?  

I have been working on a few special order painting requests. I loved this one so much I wanted to keep it for myself but it is currently with its new owner. 💙

 I am also working on three books.....yes three!  One is a novel I have been working on for years now. Don't know if I will ever publish it but it is a story a friend of mine and I first developed together. Even though it's been years, I only have it half written. I am determined to finish it, even if it's just to give my characters an ending. The second story is a personal one. It started as a way for me to release all the anger I was feeling about a situation that was going on. It's actually turning out to be a really funny story. Again, who knows if I will actually publish it. Time will tell.  On to my third book.... this will be my fifth children's book.  It is unofficially titled "Riverstone Camping". In this adventure, two of my current characters, Kali and Tux, are going on a summer camping trip with their parents. With sun and hot temperatures comes rain and storms. What will they do to pass the time while stuck in their tent?  Stay tuned to find out!  

One thing I have realized about working on three books at the same time is, it is HARD switching my brain from writing for an adult novel to writing for a kids book! I catch myself being too descriptive and too wordy when writing my children's story. If I'm not careful, my 1500 word count book will be 5000 words!😁

My characters are calling so I'm off to help tell their story!  Have a wonderful and safe July. If any of you happen to find a Timey Wimey machine or a magic wand, please let me borrow. I promise to give it back. What have you been doing to stay busy? Let me know in the comments section. 

Be sure to check out my June blog for book recommendations, yummy treat ideas and more to help beat boredom during this crazy 2020. 

I often post pictures of my artwork on my FB Author Page and Pinterest page, be sure to stop by. 😄 


  1. Wow, so many exciting things going on for you, Rebecca! I cannot, cannot, wait to read your upcoming books. So happy for you!

    Your painting is beautiful. I love the calming blue hues you chose.

    Awe, to have a time machine and push pause. This year is halfway through. Maybe that's a good thing considering all that this world is going through.

    Hmm, how I've been keeping busy? As you know, I've been helping Cat Michaels get our book in order to hopefully release to our readers soon. We love this story and we are working hard to make it perfect.

    I hope you will be able to do everything you want to do before this summer comes to an end. It sounds like you are on a perfect track for getting things done. :)

    Have a happy 4th and weekend.

  2. Your title made me laugh, and your blog made me feel like I better get busy and make the most of this year that is flying by -:D. yes, yes, yes..please do write those stories. I'd love to read them. Cannot imagine how you write 3 stories at once. My Covid-fogged brain can only manage one task at a time...but I finished installing my fairy garden for the neighborhood kids, whipping out at book for tweens with Rosie Russell, and spending lots of time on Air BnB planning where I will go once we kick Covid and can travel again.

  3. I Rebecca, Can I jump in that timey wimey machine with you? I was just saying the other day I need the world to slow down or pause for a while, I need to get off. I feel like I have been busier than ever. Don't worry about how long it takes to finish your book, I started Secrets Hidden Below 20 years ago and it was published in 2018, A Lighthouse in Time not much longer behind it. It was half written for years, but finally published last year. You will get there one day, there is no time limit on writing.

